
House with the pointy roof

Went out with friends last Saturday. When I asked one of the husbands if they might be interested in meeting up the following day (Easter Sunday), he shook his head and said, "we have the house with the pointy roof tomorrow." Love it! This friend has the best sense of humor and I still laugh when I recall his words.

Yesterday, Amy and I hiked the ridge at the Lafayette reservoir. This is a pretty challenging 2 hour hike. We love it cause it is close to our homes and we can get the hike done in the morning and still have the afternoon for ourselves. Neither of us celebrates Easter so we were glad to have each other to share the day.

At one point in the hike, we noted that being out in the fresh air, breathing, taking in the beautiful scenery, while doing good for our bodies and souls is like being at church for us. Our house with the pointy roof....

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