
Different forms of therapy

My friend Kathy found my blog the other day. I got an email from her that read, "I see now why I haven't been getting emails that reveal your deepest thoughts as often, cause you've been blogging instead". DOH! Busted.

I emailed her right back to say, "not to worry, Blogging sure ain't no replacement for YOU!" (what a shmoozer I am, huh?) But really, and I said this to her... I have really enjoyed my past month or so of blogging. It's a good break and gives me something else to focus on - besides work - during the day.

I made a promise to myself to create at least one blog entry each weekday. I find myself thinking about what I should write while on my daily walk with Lucy... Much of the time I write pure crap, but I try to mix it up with postings that are meaningful or speak from the heart.

The title of my blog is "random thoughts from a random mind". Seriously, ideas and topics pop into my brain at random times, and it's great to be able to get these thoughts out and onto the great information highway.

I really have Ayelet to thank for my "new form of therapy". If it wasn't for her inspirational and pretty amazing Blog, I would not have had the motivation to get mine back in shape.

The reality is my email conversations with Kathy are another form of therapy for me. Over the past 10 years or so, Kathy and I have had an email correspondence that is truly special. I'm talking multiple paragraphs at a time. Sometimes we'd write back and forth to each other 2 or 3 times a day... now we're lucky to get 2 or 3 emails a week from each other.

Back then, we were single, so our discussions revolved around boys, happy hours, dating rules, etc. Now as two happily married and childless women, our conversations are a bit different. Nowadays we talk about the baby vs. non-baby divide we are starting to notice amongst our group of friends, our careers, and how we don't have nearly as much time these days to write to each other (see.... it's not just me and my blog!)

I will always treasure this relationship I have with a great friend who I do not get a chance to see often enough, but I always know what's going on in her life and vice versa.

Hopefully this entry doesn't fall into the "crap" category! : )

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