
Friday Bullets

  • Okay, the Giants are pathetic. Their East Coast performance has been embarrassing thus far (swept by the Mets, first game with the Cubbies lost).

  • This weekend I have zero plans of the typical "Social Sheila" variety (parties, dinners out, etc - you know the type of plans that require makeup and wardrobe planning) but rather have plans to walk with Anna and Julianne in Tiburon Saturday morning. Maybe a hike with Amy Sunday morning. Other than that, nada! Yay, that means I could get away with wearing shorts, t-shirts & flipflops all weekend long.

  • Today I went to lunch with my mom. As I described my acupuncture treatment, she actually asked me, "was she (as in the practitioner) Chinese?" followed with, "was the place clean?" - had to do a bit of educating about the world today. For those of you who are scratching your head, this will explain it: my mother is Japanese and grew up with a very competitive and anti-Chinese/Korean mentality.

  • Lucy managed to lose her collar today. I have no idea how she got it off nor where she put it. I am thinking it somehow got lodged somewhere and came apart. She took one look at it and thought, "a-ha! here's my chance", buried it in the backyard and said, "good riddance!" Now she's back wearing the stinky collar she was wearing when she got skunked.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Making like a pincushion

Okay, I know you all have been waiting with bated breath to hear all about my acupuncture experience, so I'll put you all out of your misery.

Well, I survived. Seriously, it wasn't that bad. Strange, but not unpleasant. A bit anticlimactic really.

My practitioner had me lay down on the cot in the doctor's office (very clinical environment). First thing she did was take my pulse. "Great pulse!" she cheerily informed me. Cracks me up. Hello! I'm alive, just infertile.

In all casualness, she proceeded to stick these teeny-tiny needles in areas on my legs, feet, hands, ear and head (yes, you read that right, needles in my head!) Seriously, I could barely feel them going in... except for the one close to my ankle.

The worst part of the experience was having to lie on the cot for 25 minutes bored out of my skull. I am not a napper, so 25 minutes in the dark with nothing to do or think about is excruciating. I ended up singing "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" to myself.

Note to self: if this all pans out and we do end up with a real-life child of our own, totally use this experience as ammunition. ie: "I got needles stuck in me so you could be here today... now go wash my car."

No longer mad

My mom used to say, "I get mad because I care. One day, I will no longer get mad and you will regret it." Of course she didn't really mean it. She was simply reacting to me or my sister being Pills when we were kids.

I am watching a really ugly Giants game. In years past, I'd be ranting and raving, steaming mad. Throwing things at the tv, saying mean things to Pete. Interestingly enough, I find myself numb. I'm almost laughing. It's ridiculous how bad this team is.

Does that mean I've stopped caring?

I'm sure the love will come back one day, but more than likely NOT this year.

I hate needles

I do not like needles, however today I am going to get needles poked into me. I made the appointment a couple of weeks ago and it is finally sinking in that in a few short hours, someone will poke needles into me. What have I done?!?!

My girlfriend recently went for acupuncture and they put needles in her head (!!!) I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

Luckily, I have my "massage: just beforehand... please reference my previous blog post,

It's gonna be a "fun" afternoon.


Anti-Terrorism Exercise in China

These are great photos... it comforts me that they are preparing so diligently for the big event,


Quotes that speak to me

"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." --- Wayne Dyer

"It's my experience that folks who have no vices have generally very few virtues." --- Abraham Lincoln

"You wouldn't worry what others thought of you if we knew how little they did." --- Unknown

"We do not have to stay in the boxes that we are shipped in." --- Unknown

"Be as good as your dog already thinks you are." --- Unknown

This is a joke right?


Calling Darwin?


4th of July Parade in Danville, CA

Definitely a fun experience in Danville, CA. Lucy made lots of new friends and it was just amazing how many people came out for the fun.

Not me

A worrywart is not something I'm known to be. I tend to let stuff wash over me and I'm not the type to let minor details get to me.

Today, I am finding myself in a worrisome mood, however. I am trying to pinpoint the problem and what is nagging at me. I know it has to do with an upcoming "consultation" at THE clinic.

This process is so slow and frustrating. Also, they have so many "rules" which only complicate things further.

But, what is my alternative?!?

Whoa, baby it is hot!

It's 106 degrees in Danville... Lucy, Beethoven and I would never know 'cause we are holed up indoors with the AC blasting.

Luckily we are in California and not in Arizona where it is like this most of the summer. Ouch!


This just makes me sick,

He is sick and I am sick just thinking about what he did. Not to mention, what if he only gets 15 years in prison, now?

I am only happy that the jury must feel a sense of relief and affirmation that they made the right decision.


Life is Precious...

I have always said it is the saddest scenario when a parent outlives their child.

We received sad news this past weekend that Pete's - cousin's - husband's - nephew (follow that?) had suddenly passed away. He was 23 years old.

He had been staying with them. Apparently he went to a music festival over the weekend. The next day after he returned, he felt ill with a fever. He went to sleep and started to feel better, but in the morning felt worse. They took him to the hospital and he died within a few hours.

This is not supposed to happen to healthy 23 year old boys. He somehow contracted Meningitis and, because it was in his blood, it traveled through his body quickly.

Fortunately he had family by his side at the hospital, but it's another sad story of a life taken much too soon.

Tell your loved ones that you do. Cherish life... yours and everyone else's... cause you just never know. Life is precious.

We live in a baby-centric world

Has something changed in the world? I don't recall there ever being a time when there was so much focus on babies. It's an epidemic I tell you.

Am I right? or am I being hypersensitive cause I'm "trying"? My frame of reference may be a bit fuzzy in light of my situation.

This past weekend, it seemed like everywhere I went, all I saw were were happy mommies & daddies pushing strollers, bouncing babies decked out in Giants gear at the baseball game, babies smiling up at me as I pass by stores that craftily use the cutest thing on earth for their advertising campaigns. The first thing you see when you walk into Pottery Barn is their Baby Collection. There's a new store that just opened up in Walnut Creek called "Day One Center". It's a go to spot for expectant parents who want to take classes, buy supplies, meet other expectant parents, and other mysterious activities. Clients pay a monthly subscription fee. Sounds like a scam to me... what's wrong with the services at the local Hospital? Just curious.

I'm sure I will totally appreciate it when I finally get to the point when I actually have one of my own. Luckily I'm a sucker for a chubby, happy baby. I do love 'em and will never resist the opportunity to coo over a cutie pie. But sometimes it feels like a smack in the face reminder of what I don't have.