
I hate to admit it...

A friend forwarded me one of those horoscope emails... you know, the ones where you gotta forward to x number of friends or you will have x number of years of bad luck.

This one is spookily accurate. (especially the beautiful inside and out description) ; )

SAGITTARIUS - The Happy-Go-Lucky One (Nov 22 - Dec 21)Good-natured optimist. Doesn't want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome). Indulges self. Boastful. Likes luxuries and gambling. Social and outgoing. Doesn't like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient. Fun to be around. Having lots of friends. Flirtatious. Doesn't like rules. Sometimes hypocritical. Dislikes being confined - tight spaces or even tight clothes. Doesn't like being doubted. Beautiful inside and out.

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