
Happiness is enjoying time with great girlfriends

I am very fortunate to have a group of wonderful women in my life. I can't imagine life without them.

My girlfriends respect and genuinely care about each other. My girlfriends share a common perspective and love for life. My girlfriends do not judge or criticize each other. My girlfriends value humor and good conversation. That's not all! I could go on and on...

I went away with such a group of gals this past weekend. For me, hanging with my girlfriends is a healthy endeavor, almost therapeutic... not unlike doing a yoga session or going for a long walk. It's a chance to stretch my heart and mind with people who understand and share the value that girlfriends bring to one's life. I am free to be myself with these women.

We may not share the same opinions or perspectives on everything, but we accept each other's uniqueness. Often, our discussions give us the opportunity to learn about life lessons, topics or events that don't apply today but may apply someday.

I'm ready to plan our next getaway... Mexico? Half Moon Bay? No matter where we decide to go, there is no doubt we will have a great time.

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