
Like a Drug

Last Sunday, Lucy and I went to the Lafayette Reservoir to hike the rim. It's a 2 hour hike and I had lunch plans with my mom so I had to rush.

We ended up running 3/4 of the hike (usually it takes 2 hours to hike, but running knocked our time down to 1 hour 20 minutes).

What a rush!

I haven't run in at least a year due to recurring running related injuries. I had made the decision to put away my running shoes and go into retirement.

But last Sunday, running at the top of the ridge viewing the amazing sights and feeling my breathing settle into the runner's zone.... I forgot how much I truly love to run.

All of my problems dissolve, life seems a little bit clearer, I feel truly healthy, and nothing else matters but one foot in front of another.... and whatever song is playing on the iPod.

I came home and told Pete. He laughed and asked me if there are any marathons in my future?

Let's take this one day at a time shall we? We had a good laugh as we agreed that my mom would probably disown me if I signed up for a marathon about now.

Good times.

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